We live every day with the monster routine which spends time resting in our comfort zone as if lying in the living room of our house. This monster has the wonderful ability to go unnoticed, his super power is to be almost invisible. Proactively, it feeds daily our fears limiting ourselves to always think the same way to not look beyond what we know and not to question what we already know.
Once we are aware of this monster and try to fight it, it appears with claws and fangs and it is impossible to be overlooked, in fact it is when it is stronger. When it appears, everything that we did not know and did a blind eye to, becomes tangible. All doubts, Strassmans and the fear of losing does not stop the distraction and leads to paralysis or wanting to run back to the known.
Sounds familiar? This may be happening in your life with your partner, your job, your relationship with your parents, dealing with friends, the city where you live in, your chosen profession etc.
Before we continue, I will ask you to leave the paradigm of thinking if you’re doing things right or wrong, instead, I want you to ask if there is room in your life to improve and keep learning?
No matter what skills or tools think you have, the monster of routine and comfort will always find ways to demonstrate and rock your world. Often feel that there is no clarity on the path we take, but I want to tell you that this is not a lack of light, but the perspective from where we see it … the usual.
The worst mistake is to not accept that we do not know something and we need support from others to continuously grow as human beings. The reason why the changes are so fearful and sometimes difficult, it is because we continue to see what is happening in our lives with the same eyes and why it seems so unfamiliar.
The answers you are looking for what you are experiencing at this time of your life you already have it, the problem is that you do not know what are the right questions to lead you to those answers. Let me be a support in your life and accompany you to discover all that, that is holding you back and that’s always been in front of you
Does any of this make sense to you?
Feel free to contact me, schedule your first coaching session at no cost and let’s talk about this topic or any other that is upsetting you or you think there is room for improvement. Take the opportunity to pay attention to what is happening in your life and explore what you normally guard and do not share with others.
If you are in Miami, we can meet in person, or we can connect thru Skype
For more information, click here
Regards, Nicolas