Several times, either by instinct or because someone tells us, we realize that there is something wrong in our lives that things are not as we want it and although we have a brief idea of what it can be, we have no tools to change our circumstances and live our passions.
” Living Passionately ” is a process of self-knowledge which will have 5 coaching sessions lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours each. For about two months, you will have the opportunity to share with me personally (if we are in the same city) or via Skype and together discover what beliefs or limiting thoughts you have that do not allow you to get the results you want.
In this program you will understand the reason why today you behave and think in a certain way, it is due because the lack of awareness of the events that have happened to you in the past and that today marks the parameters of your life, diminishing possibilities. It is the perfect opportunity to reinforce a specific topic you are living in this time or to untangle an issue that occurs cyclically in your life over and over again. Once you inhabit your new state of consciousness, we begin a plan of actions, respecting your process and your own pace, step by step will take you to live fully the life you love.
¿Who is this program for?
Any man or woman who seeks to live passionate but will cyclically repeat the same life circumstances again and again without getting the results you expect.
It is for that person who wants to strengthen a specific area or redesign your life to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
This program aims to support you by:
- Challenging and break limiting beliefs
- Strengthen the areas of your life you want to improve
- Begin to see the world from a different perspective to open possibilities
- Think differently
- Define or strengthen the passions of your life
- Learn the language of empowering statements, to be able to change your reality
- Generate a balance between the different areas of your life, understanding that one cannot function without the other.
- Strengthen your self-esteem and learn to recognize who you really are.
- Generate a consciousness about your current situation in life
- Learn about the emotional world and how it impacts you everyday
- Understand that the events that happened in the past and the interpretation you gave to them, is what today opens or closes doors.
- Having a clearer vision of your purpose and goals
- Empower you to take actions that lead you to different and concrete results.
- Allowing to forgive and be forgiven
- Getting involved in your life and take sides in what matter to you and not others who decide for you the direction your life will take.
In this program you will cross 4 stages:
- The first steps: Based on what is currently happening in your life we will review the circumstances that led you to step on a path of personal growth and elaborate a plan of coaching.
- Awakening: You will generate awareness of how you think and you will realize how this affects the perception you have about life. You will begin to see and understand things that you did not perceive and were always in front of you.
- Discovering: you will delve in how you see the world and understand that depending on how you think and where you stand (one could also say from the interpretation of your reality), the events of your life have a meaning that can open or close possibilities.
- Building: : Once generated a new awareness and understanding where you stand against the different situations in your life, we will establish an action plan to reinforce your new coherence and allows you to get different sustainable results over time.
Duration of the program:
- 2 months (depending on availability of time the customer can be done in a month and a half)
- 5th life coaching sessions $490 USD*
*(Note) The aforementioned value applies only to prepayment of 5 sessions. If you pay each session separately, the session has a cost of $120 USD
For more information about my coaching program send me an email: